Monday, March 30, 2020

Where are You Planted?


Jeremiah 17:5-8

Thus says the Lord: Cursed are those who trust in mere mortals
    and make mere flesh their strength,
    whose hearts turn away from the Lord.
They shall be like a shrub in the desert,
    and shall not see when relief comes.
They shall live in the parched places of the wilderness,
    in an uninhabited salt land.

Blessed are those who trust in the Lord,
    whose trust is the Lord.
They shall be like a tree planted by water,
    sending out its roots by the stream.
It shall not fear when heat comes,
    and its leaves shall stay green;
in the year of drought it is not anxious,
    and it does not cease to bear fruit. (NRSV)


As I write this, we are about an hour away from the moment when North Carolina’s Stay at Home Order goes into effect.    Like many in our state, I’ve been struggling to adapt to this order.  I understand that this is the type of hard decision to keep people safe; at the same time, it is frightening to realize how serious the situation has become.  I've raced to research how the new order applies to houses of worship so that I can help FPC legally and ethically continue to serve our community.  It seems like in the past few weeks, church leaders around the world have needed to become communications specialists, tech. gurus, televangelists, giving experts, legal analysts, church polity wizzes, medical advisors, shopping assistants, and unlicensed therapists all at once.  I’ve even fielded questions about whether or not people are allowed to go to the dump (to be clear, I'm not sure on this one).  Most pastors are pretty knowledgeable about some of these areas, but very few are experts in all of them.  And don’t even get me started about the wonderful world of music permissions!  

I know that the questions I am dealing with are only a fraction of what other people face. I am privileged to not have to worry about child care, health insurance, or filing for unemployment.  Even when we set our anxieties about COVID-19 itself aside, there is still plenty for people to worry about.  With so many conflicting opinions, unanswered questions, and unexpected roadbumps out there, it can be hard to know what to do or who to trust.  Just listening to a few press conferences back to back is likely to leave us feeling mentally, emotionally, and spiritually parched.

The Bible may not offer many specifics about how to deal with a global pandemic, but it does give people of faith a place to turn to during times of uncertainty.  The prophet Jeremiah writes that those who put all their trust in human strength shall end up feeling like shrubs growing in the middle of the desert.  Everything is fine during the rainy season, but they are in trouble when the summer heats up and the dry spell comes.  Those who put their trust in God, however, are like trees that are planted by a stream.  Even when droughts arrive, they still have the life-giving water they need to thrive.

Friends, most people are trying their best to do what is right, and our actions do help.  It’s important for each of us to do what we can to support official efforts to address this crisis. The problem is that if we rely solely on the strength of people, then we are bound feel overwhelmed and over-burdened when human efforts stop short at fully addressing the many inter-related issues that we now face.  If, however, we keep doing what we can while also putting our trust in the Holy One, then God will help us tap into a deep well of strength, comfort, and guidance.  The life-giving water will enable us to live into God’s Truth and keep bearing good fruit.  Whether we share that fruit with those in our homes or people who are far from us, it will help sustain our whole world. 

I hope that we can each turn to the Holy One and stretch out our spiritual roots toward God’s never-ending stream of grace.  Whether your soul finds its sustenance in Scripture reading, hymn singing, prayer, or some other form of devotion, make sure to  take time a little time out of each day to drink deeply of your faith.  May each swallow remind us that with God on our side, we will make it through this time of trial.  For unlike the efforts of mere mortals, the strength, wisdom, and mercy of God shall never fail.


Holy One, help us remember that our strength is rooted in your goodness.  May your life-giving water refresh our souls and restore our convictions so that we may bear good fruit during this time of worldly-drought.  Amen.

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