Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Seek Encouragement!


1 Thessalonians 5: 8-11

But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. For God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.


 Last Wednesday, I asked us to ponder what this time of crisis teach us.  It turns out that one of the things that it is teaching me is how important it is to keep seeking out ways of encouraging and building up one another.

The Apostle Paul says that since none of us know that day that Christ will return, we must always be prepared for his arrival.  Paul recommends staying ready by clothing ourselves in faith, love, and hope and then building each other up as we continue our Christian walk.  A few verses later, Paul explains that this "building up" includes admonishing those who are idle, giving encouragement to the fainthearted, helping the weak, being patient with people, and always seeking to do good to one another (1 Thess.  5:14-15).  When we are mindful of our words and actions and continue follow these instructions, then the Holy Spirit will empower us to provide one another with the support we need during times of trial.  Salvation will be ours.

Paul's advice sounds great in theory, but how does it work in our modern day context?  After all, Paul was focused on the threat of Roman authorities and early Christians' tendency to fight among themselves.  I doubt that the topic of global pandemics crossed his mind.   Our job is to take Paul's basic principles and decide how to apply them in such a time as this.  When we think creatively and build on the connections that we already have, we may be surprised by the ways we find ourselves building up one another.

I'm usually pretty good about find ways to build up other people.  Depending on the person I can call them, pray for them, put them in touch with the right organizations when they need help, and even run a few minor errands. What I'm not always so good about is reaching out to others when I need my own encouragement.  Covid is teaching me how to do that better, and I am learning a lot.

For all the criticism that is so often deserves, social media is proving to be a way that people can quickly give and receive encouragment.  With a few clicks of a button, I can connect with friends and colleagues around the world.  Sometimes its as simple as posting a fun survey to responding to a friend's daily request for people to send them a picture that describes how they are doing.  Sometimes it is being opening myself up and being vulnerable in online groups of people who admit that they are struggling and offer encouragement to one another. Sometimes it is setting aside time to have a video chat "Happy Hour"  with loved ones so we can share what is happening in our communities, sympathize with one another, laugh at our past escapades, and look forward to better days to come.

I'm also delighted to be learning about all the unexpected ways that people are encouraging both myself and others.   Within the last 48 hours, people of faith have sent me delicious food (pictured above) to nourish my body, a face mask to protect myself and others with when I go out in public, links to songs that bring me joy, some hilarious videos, and a slew of baby photos.  I've even received 7 phone calls from different folks who just want to check in and offer me and/or my church a word of prayer.  As small as these actions may seem to the people who performed them, each of them was big to me.  Each of them offered me encouragement.  And when those small moments are combined with what people all around the world are offering each other right now, each small act of kindness and helps build up God's people.  It's this kind of encouragement that can give us hope and strength as we await Christ's return.

As Kentucky's Governor Andy Beshear says each day during his press briefings, "We will get through this.  We will get through this together."   Let us channel a bit of Beshear's hope by doing what we can to encourage others and receive their encouragement in return.     And if you need someone to build you up, feel free to contact me or respond in the comments below.  It's okay to admit that you aren't okay.  God wants you to seek help when you need it.

Friends, we are not alone.  God is with us, and the Holy Spirit  is helping us build up one another.  May we remember that we are in this together as we strap on the armor of faith and love, don the helmet of hope, and stride forward into the future.


Jesus, you promise that you will never leave us alone or without comfort.  Help us stay connected with one another during this time of uncertainty. Teach us encourage others and gracefully receive encouragement in return so that we may be a light shining in the darkness.   May the power of your Spirit help us build up your Kingdom as we await your return. 

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