Monday, May 9, 2022

Look What Jesus is Doing!


 John 21:24-25

24 This is the disciple who is testifying to these things and has written them, and we know that his testimony is true. 25 But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. (NRSV)


 I really enjoy the final two verses of John's Gospel.  John concludes by saying that Jesus did a lot more that he didn't write down; he's just given us the highlights.  In fact, Jesus did so much that there isn't enough paper or space in the world for John and his followers to record it all.

This somewhat unorthodox conclusion provides us with an invitation of sorts..  Yes, we have reached the end of what John can tell us, but the story is not over.  There are so much more to many other stories that could be shared.  And the Gospel implies that if we want to know more about all that Jesus has said and done, then we should go ask another believer to tell you what they have seen, heard, and/or read.  Who knows?  We may  even have a story to share with them in return.

One of the reasons I like this question so much is that it helps me respond to questions like where Jesus is today and why we haven't been given any other "special witnesses" to add to our holy scriptures in the past couple millennia.  From John's perspective, the answer is simple.  Just because the Church Universal is highly unlikely to add anything new to our scriptural canon in the near future doesn't mean that Jesus isn't active in the world.  The Risen Christ is still doing all kind things in the world....too many to even count.  As believers, it is our job to share the highlights of what we have seen and heard with others--just as John did with us.

I have seen Jesus doing all kinds of things within and among us; but I don't want to make this post about what I have witnessed.  Instead, I want to encourage you to share the ways you have witnessed Christ at work:

  • What everyday miracles have you seen Jesus perform?  
  • Where have you felt Jesus's love and forgiveness made known?
  • When has he brought peace, healing, or understanding into a difficult situation?
  • How  have you God's justice, mercy, and loving-kindness prevail over the world's sinfulness?
  • Who has been kind enough to share their own experiences of Jesus  

Once you've thought of such a moment, I invite you to tell someone what you have witnessed Jesus doing.  There are many ways to share your experience.  You can weave it into a conversation.  Or write it down.  Or turn it into art.  You can even include it as a comment on this blog!

However you choose to do so, I hope you I hope you realize that sharing what you have witnessed Christ doing so makes you part of a great tradition that stretches all the way back to the first apostles.  If they have not shared what they had witnessed, then the news of Christ's life, death, and resurrection would have never spread.  There would be no Church today..  Your particular story might not be included in the pages of the Bible, but you never know who it may help bring to faith or the impact it can have over the long term.

So be bold.  Be vulnerable.  Share your story.  And you do so, let us give thanks that our Risen Lord is still so alive in the world today--so at work withing, among, and around us--that all the books, internet archives, and audio recordings in the world could not even come close to documenting all that Jesus is dong.    


Oh Living Jesus, thank you for the countless things you are doing in our world.  Help me share what I have witnessed with others, so that all the world may praise your name.  Amen.

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