Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Worried? Try prayer!



 Philippians 4:6-7

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  (NRSV)


 I come from a long line of anxious people...which probably explains why I have a tendency to worry.  Just give me five minutes, and I can worry about anything...even a piece of good news.  There have been plenty of times when I spent so much time and effort thinking about what could potentially go wrong, worrying what people were thinking/feeling, or imagining the potential dire consequences of some slight misstep or hitch in plans that I missed out on enjoying the full benefit of the blessings God gives me.  After the fact, I wanted to kick myself for letting my anxiety get the best of me.

A lot of human worry is rooted in our knowledge that there are things beyond our control.   All too often, we feel like it is up to us to make everything be perfect and peaceful; but try as we might, we can't make life adapt to our vision of how things are supposed to.  The weather turns sour.  People get sick.  We or those we love encounter a problem that we can't fix.  Our good intentions go awry and lead to painful consequences.  Just the thought of such moments--such "failures" on our part can make our hearts pound with dread.  How can we trust that anything will ever be okay when so much seems out of our hands and we know that we are likely to mess up so many things when we do have a semblance of control?

Scripture teaches us that we can cast that anxiety aside, because at the end of the day, we aren't the ones in control.  God is.  Furthermore, while we may not always understand how or why something happens, we can trust that God is always good and always faithful.  With a good and faithful God in control of things, then we have nothing to really fear.

Still, there are times when worries overtake us.  That is when Paul advises that we turn to God in prayer.  One of the blessings of prayer is that it reminds us about who God is.  When we utter words of thanks, our minds are drawn to how good God is and all the ways God blesses us even in the midst of our trials.  When we humbly plead for help (supplication), we remember that our faithful God has not only the power but also the desire to come to our aid.  When these two prayerful acts come together, they can calm even the most troubled hearts and minds.  All our anxieties and worries about the things we can't control begin to be replaced by the peace that comes with the knowledge that Jesus has got even the most dire of situations well in hand...and Jesus will never fail us.

The next time the doubts, worries, and anxieties begin to overtake you, take a moment to breathe deeply and turn to God in prayer.  Thank Jesus for some of the ways he has been there for you.  Then, when you've been reminded of his faithfulness to you, cast your cares upon Jesus.  Tell him what worries you and ask for his help.  Jesus will not fail to listen.  And though he may not do exactly what you want or expect, Jesus will respond in ways that are for your good.   You have no need to worry, for God is there.



Jesus, you are always and faithful.  Thank you for _______.   I know that I need help.  Please come to my aid with ______.  I may not always understand your ways, but I trust that with you in control, I and those I love will experience your continued blessings.  Amen.

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