Monday, January 18, 2021

"I Have a Dream"


Amos 5:24
24 But let justice roll down like waters,
    and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.   (NRSV)


Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Given the events of the past several months, I've struggled with what to say today.  What can I, a young white person, say about systemic racism and injustice that hasn't already been said by people much braver, much more intelligent, and with much more authority on the personal effects of racism than me?  

Thanks to the power of the internet, I don't have to say anything.  Instead, I can give this space to Dr. King himself.  Though some aspects of our context have changed since is assassination, Dr. King's words still speak to the troubles we face today.  They still challenge us to do better both as a nation and as the People of God.  They still point the way towards the better future we could have if only we dared to take the necessary steps to make his vision a reality.

The link below will send you to Stanford University's animated version of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech during the 1963 March on Washington.  Simply click the "begin" button towards the top of the page, and you can listen to King's speech while the written words and illustrations appear on the screen.  The website also includes links that help you explore the historical context of the speech and reflections on its continued relevence today.  When you are done watching the speech, you are invited to come back this blog for a song and prayer.

 Freedom's Ring: King's "I Have a Dream" Speech




God of Justice and Freedom, may you inspire us to press on in the struggle to end all forms of racism in our society.  May we each prove willing to do our part, and may trust your guidance enough to march on 'til victory is won.  Amen.

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