Monday, October 26, 2020

Well-Matched Helpers



 Genesis 2:18-23

18 Then Adonai Elohim said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. Let Me make a well-matched helper for him.” 19 Adonai Elohim had formed from the ground every animal of the field and every flying creature of the sky, so He brought them to the man to see what he would call them. Whatever the man called them—each living creature—that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all of the livestock, and to the flying creatures of the sky, and to all the animals of the field; but for the man He did not find a well-matched helper for him. 21 Adonai Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on the man and he slept; and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place. 22 Adonai Elohim built the rib, which He had taken from the man, into a woman. Then He brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said,

“This one, at last, is bone of my bones
        and flesh from my flesh.
    This one is called woman,
        for from man was taken this one.”  (Tree of Life Translation)



Greetings from quarantine!  So far, I remain symptom-free and feel physically good.  I am, however, a little stir crazy. The cats have become bored with my presence and no longer want extra cuddles.  I'm tired of getting my daily steps in by pacing circles in my apartment.  

Most of all, I miss knowing that can just pop out to the office or the store if I want something.  It's not that I actually need anything.  It's just stressful to admit that if I did, I couldn't simply go get it. That's why I am thankful for all the people who keep checking in to see if there is anything I want or need...even if my answer is  that I'm fine.

This experience has brought home just how much people need one another. That need goes beyond our bodies' physical demands for food or toothpaste.  The Garden of Eden had everything Adam's body required for survival, but God knew that his life wouldn't be truly good until he had someone with whom to share it.  Adam needed someone well-matched to him...someone who could listen to him as he shared his joys and sorrows...someone formed from the same flesh.  Adam needed an Eve.

Romantic aspects aside, Genesis 2 reminds us that human beings are not created to go through life all on our own.  If we are to truly live the good and abundant lives that God wants for us, then we need to build healthy, supportive relationships with other people.  Introverts and Extroverts.  Rich folk and poor folk.    Old and young.  We all need some form of human connection.  That desire for well-matched people who we can help and from whom we can receive help in return is built into our very Spirits.  It's what draws us into friendship groups and families.  We need each other to survive.

It is difficult to maintain our connections with people right now.  A dear friend and I have spent 4 months trying to find a way to safely spend a single afternoon together...and our attempts keep getting foiled by everything from family emergencies to funerals.  When my going into quarantine forced us to cancel our plans yet again, we joked that our friendship must be cursed.

Yes, staying connected can be difficult.  But as I sit here and think of all the different ways people have reached out to me in the past 10 days, I am reminded that God gives us all kinds of ways to help and build up one another:

  • Some of us are great at anticipating folk's physical needs...whether that is dropping off food or driving someone to an appointment. 
  • Some of us are skilled with words and can send notes, emails, or texts that provide encouragement.  
  • Some of us are great listeners who can check-in with who need to vent. 
  • Some of us are good at volunteering to take care of different practical things that a person would usually be doing.  
  • Some of us are good at keeping folks' spirits up with anything from a poetry or song recommendations to hosting different forms of get-togethers.
  • Some of us are skilled at coordinating everyone else's efforts so that no one feels left out or alone.
  • Some of us are good at just being there for folks.

None of us are good at connecting with others in every way...but we all have the gifts to connect in some way.  When we use our gifts as we are able and combine them with the gifts of others, we can be blessed to see just what kind of well-matched help we can be for people.

In times such as these, it is more important than ever to remember that even though we may be physically distant from one another, it is not good for us to be alone.   And so I encourage you to reach out to someone.  Even if it's nothing more than a quick text or a note written on a coffee cup, use the gifts God has given you to be someone's helper.  Let folks know that they are important to you...for we need each other to survive.


 God, I cannot do this completely on my own.  Thank you for filling the world with people to help me.  May I be someone who helps others in return so that they too may experience the full abundance of your love.  Help all your children remember that we need each other to survive and thrive.  Amen.

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