Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Somebody's Knockin'



 Revelation 3:20

"Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me."


 Today marks Day 5 of my 14 day quarantine due to a COVID exposure.  So far, I remain negative and show no symptoms of the disease.  I'm even going well over my goal of walking a mile a day by pacing around the apartment while phoning church members.

Knowing that I cannot leave my home for any reason is nerve-wracking; but it has also provided me with the unexpected blessing of becoming more mindful of the quiet ways Jesus shows up my life.  When John wrote about Jesus standing at the door and knocking in Revelation, he was speaking in symbols and metaphors...but in my life, this moment has become quite literal.

At least twice a day, I hear a quick rap at my living room door, and the cats go running to investigate.  That rap is the signal that some kind soul is leaving me a care package on the chair outside my apartment.   If I'm quick enough, I get to shout a brief thank you through my closed door.   When I hear the door the building shut,  I quickly venture into the hallway and bring in whatever is waiting for me.  I've found food, coffee, cleaning supplies, and even small gifts for the cats. These small yet important gestures of care feed both my body and my soul.

The experience of receiving all these gifts is humbling.  I am usually much more comfortable being the person who does things for others than being the one who other people go out of the way for.  As my granny used to say, "I don't want to be a bother."  And yet, there are times when we need to open ourselves to others' accept the fruits of the Holy Spirit that someone shares with us.  If I was tall enough to peer out my peephole, I would probably see that the person on the other side of the door my looks like Emily or Patrisha or James...but that knock sure sounds like Jesus.  

My cats have developed a new habit of meowing impatiently when I don't open the door until the person is left.  It's like they're saying, "We know you hear them.  Why don't you answer?!"  Each time they look at me in consternation, I find myself reflecting on all the times when I missed the opportunity to open my physical, mental, or spiritual doors.  When did I miss out on something, because I either didn't hear or didn't bother to answer Jesus's knock?  How many times have my pride, fear, or stubbornness convinced me to leave Christ standing in the hallway when he was ready to come inside?  Its happened more often then I would like to admit.  And I deeply regret each missed opportunity to dine with my savior.

I want to urge you not to make the mistakes I have made.  Keep your ears pealed for Jesus's knock!  He may not always show up at the  place, time, or manner that you expect, but Jesus will come...and he will ask to be let into your life.  If you don't answer the first time, he is persistent enough to come back again and again until you do.  Can you hear Jesus knocking?  If so, why don't you walk on over and open the door?



 Christ, thank you for always being willing to come and dine with us.  Help us to hear your knock.  And may the Holy Spirit inspire us to answer it so that we may welcome you and your blessings into our lives.  Our greatest desire is to have you at our tables.  Amen.

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