Monday, August 15, 2022

Awake, My Soul, and Sing!



 Psalm 57: 7-10

My heart is steadfast, O God;
    my heart is steadfast.
I will sing and make melody.
    Awake, my soul!
Awake, O harp and lyre!
    I will awake the dawn.
I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
    I will sing praises to you among the nations.
10 For your steadfast love is as high as the heavens;
    your faithfulness extends to the clouds.  (NRSVUE)


 Scripture is chock full of references to singing.  People sing in joy and in sorrow; in times of safety and times of distress; in times when they feel secure in God's promises and times when they are deeply in a reminder of them.  And when the people are not singing, they are often told to do so...for songs are not just an accessory to worship.  They are a deeply important form of praise.

So why is singing so important to the way we worship God?  Science has consistently shown that singing utilizes both sides of the human brain in ways that improve memory, connect our minds to our bodies, lessens pain, and helps process grief and other strong emotions.  It also helps build a sense of community.  It also can help focus our attention.  These physical, mental, and social benefits lead to spiritual ones.  Whether they are songs of joy or songs of lament, the very act of lifting our voices to God can focus our attention on God in ways that teach and/or remind us of the faith we share, offer us solace in times of distress, help us process the things that lay on our hearts, and even help build a sense of community and solidarity amongst God's people.

It isn't always easy to lift our hearts up to God.  David was running for his life from King Saul when he composed the words of Psalm 57.     He had to convince himself to keep keep trusting in God's steadfast love. And so, even as he hid in caves from Saul's army, David committed to waking up with the dawn so that he could sing and give thanks to his maker. The very act of lifting his voice in song helped keep him steadfast to the God who was always there for him.  And we still use David's song to praise God today.

We don't have to sing beautifully in order to praise God.  We don't even have to sing technically religious songs; I often sing secular music that helps me reflect on my relationship with God or my yearning for a better world..  All we need to do it from our heart and open ourselves to the Spirit.  As we do so, God will help focus our attention where it needs to be.

This day, why not briefly lift your voice in song to God?  Sing of your lament if you are sad.  Sing for help if you are in danger or distress.  Sing of your thankfulness and joy if you are happy.  Sing trusting that that our Savior hears your voice and listens to the working of your inner heart.  And let us always be assured that the same God who hears are every song will respond with steadfast love.



 Jesus, help me sing a song of praise to you.  May it be beautiful to your ears.  Amen.


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