Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Transformed by the Spirit



2 Corinthians 3:18 

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the LORD’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.



I've witnessed a lot of changes during the past three weeks.  During our denomination's General Assembly, we had various debates on what changes would help us better live into Christ's apostles.  Those
proposed changes included everything how we invest our money to how we hold ourselves and others accountable for their actions.  When I visited a church where I used to intern, members told me about several changes: people who have moved on, new members who have joined, the conversion of a derelict community vegetable  garden to a thriving pollinator garden, and ongoing talks about an opportunity to collaborate with the Presbyterian Mission Agency on a major project.  Then, there was my family reunion, where 82 of my relatives got together to delight in new additions, marvel about how kids have grown, reminisced about the people we have lost, and offer encouragement as we shared the various changes that have occured in our lives. 

Some of the changes I have been made aware of brought joy.  Others brought sorrow.  Several brought a mixture of both.   But the one thing that remained constant was the sense that God was with us through it all, helping the people and institutions I love transform into something greater and more glorious than they already are.

As members of the Reformed Tradition, Presbyterians believe that we are both already reformed and always reforming according to God's will.  This continual reformation, we believe, is how the Holy Spirit slowly yet inexorably transforms us into Christ's image.  It is much like how an egg laid on a leaf hatches into a caterpillar that grows larger and larger until it is finally ready to go through the final stages of transforming into a butterfly. 

Our transformation process can be painful and confusing.  It comes with its fair share of risks.   But, ultimately, there is nothing to fear. For while everything else may change, God remains constant.  Our steadfast Creator will continue to love, protect, and guide as as we grow ever closer to becoming the people and institutions Christ calls us to be.  And with God's presence in our lives, nothing in heaven and earth can keep us from eventually reaching the point when reflect Jesus Christ in thought, word, and deed. 

In a world rife with injustice and a decided lack of compassion, it is the Bible's promise that the Holy Spirit is working day by day to transform us into the image of Christ that helps me get up in the morning.  And so I commit to remaining open to the changes the Spirit is making.  Changes in myself.  Changes in my congregation and community.  Changes in the one holy catholic and apostolic church that acts as Christ's hands and feet on Earth.    Changes in our society as a whole.  For when we let the Spirit work through us and make the changes God wants it to make, God's glory is revealed among us.  Through the grace of Jesus Christ, we have been reformed and are continually being reformed to according to his will so that we may be fully cast in  his image.  When the reformation is finally complete, we will open our eyes to a world that has been transformed into the Kingdom of God.  And we will give thanks for all the changes we endured on our way to glory.

This day, I invite you to open yourself to the changes the Holy Spirit is bringing into your life.  Consider how they may be molding you into the image of Christ and how they can hep transform the world.  And together, let us give thanks for God's constancy amidst this world of change.




Holy Spirit, transform me into the image of Christ, so that we who contemplate God's majesty may reflect Christ's glory and all the world may be changed into your fully revealed Kingdom.  Amen.

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