Wednesday, June 22, 2022





James 1:2-6

My brothers and sisters, whenever you face various trials, consider it all joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance complete its work, so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing.

If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you. But ask in faith, never doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.   (NRSVUE)



 After months of anticipation, the time is finally almost here.  I am mere days away from traveling to Louisville, Kentucky , in order to attend committee meetings at the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s.  Then, I will return here to attend the meeting of the full Assembly online.  The decisions the Assembly makes helps guide our entire denomination into the future. And as I pack my bags ad go through my checklists of things that need to be completed before my leave, I am incredibly excited...and more than a little anxious.

Like any group trying to do Christ's work in the world today, the Presbyterian Church as a denomination is facing various trials, tribulations, and transitions.  The business before the Assembly runs the gamut from budget items to legacies of systemic racism both within and outside the Church.  There are even proposed changes to the procedures we use to hold church leaders accountable for their actions.  

As I read through the updates, reports, and opinions tied to these business items can feel overwhelming at times.  After all who am I to decide exactly what Christ wants our denomination to do about our investment in fossil fuels or different geopolitical conflicts?  And even if the Assembly and I manage to make all the right decisions where will our denomination--let alone little congregations like mine--find the endurance to complete the work those decisions will commit us to doing?    And each time I let those doubts a chance to take root in my mind, the more I find myself wavering back and forth on certain issues.  General Assembly is testing my faith in some interesting ways...and I haven't even been asked to do much yet!

The Apostle James, though, tells us no to worry.  Instead, he sees each trial and test of faith as a way the Spirit teaches us endurance.  When we don't feel smart enough or informed enough to make the right decision, we can pray to God to give us the wisdom we need.  When we don't feel up to the work at hand, God will give us what we need to complete it.  And though we may worry that we aren't equipped to deal with certain of life's problems, trials, and tribulations, God will make sure that we lack in nothing.  The more we ask God to help us faithfully complete the work Christ has called us to do, the more generous God will be in giving us what we need.  If we can just cast our doubts aside, we will stop wavering and realize that God has ensured we are lacking in nothing!

 In regards to General Assembly, I have faith that God will make sure that even though I don't currently have all the answers to everything my committee has been asked to address, the Holy Spirit will give my siblings in Christ and me the wisdom to make the right decisions.   The Assembly as a whole may have proposed amendments to or even disagreements with my committee's work, but God will use the process we have in place to discern the mind of Christ together. And though the challenges we face and the commitments the Assembly makes may seem daunting, God will make sure that our denomination has the endurance it takes to do the work. And though much of that work take decades to complete, the day will come when Presbyterians look around and realize that we have finally been made complete and whole. 

 As it is with our denomination, so it is with all of us.  If we stop letting our individual doubts and fears blow us around like petals on the wind and put our faith in Jesus as we follow God's ways, the Holy Spirit will ensure that we don't just endure life's trials.  No, each test of faith will make us stronger and ablo to endure more on Christ's behalf.  We can even take joy in each trial, because Jesus's makes sure that we've got this!  And as the wisdom and endurance we have received complete their work, we will discover that together, we are lacking in nothing.

So let us take joy in lif'e's challenges and approach each trial or opportunity with faith in our Risen Lord.  For God will give us everything we need to complete the work we have been given.  And it is through our faithful endurance during life's challenges that Christ makes us whole.


O Lord, these are trying times, and there is much for your faithful to do.  When we doubt that we are up to the task, may the wisdom and endurance you give us complete their work within us.  Make us lack whole and complete, lacking for nothing, as we work together to live in your love and do your will.  Amen.


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