Monday, February 21, 2022

Loving Rebukes




 Proverbs 3:11-12

 11My child, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, 12for the Lord reproves the one he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.  (NRSV)


 Last Friday, my niece Amaya was caught smearing finger-paint on the walls.  Her parents were not amused...and her mommy made that known as she made Amaya watch her wipe the paint off the wall.  Later, her daddy caught her rubbing the wall with a napkin...diligently trying to clean up a mess that had already been wiped away.  Amaya not only realized that she was in trouble for breaking the rules; she also wanted to make up for what she had done wrong.   Her parents were delighted that she had learned an important lesson and wanted to follow least for now.

God's reproof for our sins works much the same way.  When God "disciples" us, God doesn't do so because he wants to hurt us.  Instead, God does so to teach us that what we did was wrong and convince us to follow God's instructions.  When we shrink away from God's reproof  in fear, anger, or a sense of betrayal, God is full of sorrow.  But when we demonstrate that we have learned our lesson and will try to do better, God delights.

Let me be clear: God does not heap misfortunes like disease, violence, and economic insecurity upon us in order to punish us for what we've done wrong.  God's Word as found in Scripture is more than capable of pointing out the error of our ways and providing some firm rebukes.  What's more, our sinful actions have natural consequences.  While God will help us get though those consequences, our loving parent still requires us to experience them.  For instance, if we run someone's name through the mud, God isn't going to keep us having to face that person and own up to what we said...for it is in recognizing the hurt we have caused and trying to make amends for it that we begin to turn things around and "clean up" some of the damage we've caused. 

 There is no doubt that being reproved for what we've done wrong stings--especially when it is God doing in the disciplining.  But the Good News is that God disciplines us because God loves us.  Just as parents discipline their children for breaking the rules because they want their children grow into good, kind, and productive people, God wants us to repent of our sins and become better at following Scripture's instructions so that we can better at loving God and one another.   

Coming face to face with just how far we have strayed from God's ways and what the consequences have been may make us feel pretty awful.  We may even be unsure of how to proceed or how to "fix" things.  Still, there is no need to be anxious.  Just as Amaya's mommy had already cleaned up the wall she had smeared paint on, Jesus Christ has already washed away the guilt of our sins through his forgiveness.   Our job is to repent of our sins.  To grow from them.  To show people that we are sorry and that we will do our best to make amends.  And as we do so, we can be assured that the Holy Spirit is already working to help clean up the mess we've made.

This day, let us give thanks for a God who loves us enough to not only disciplines us for the messes we make...but who delights in the progress we make..  And as the lessons we learn from experiencing the consequences of our mistakes help us grow in faith and understanding, let us keep doing our best to love God and one another.  After all, sharing that love is what's God's rules are all about.



 Loving Parent,  I am sorry for the sins I fall into...the mistakes I make...the messes I make.  May your reproofs inspire me to do better at following your commandments.  May the Jesus's forgiveness wash me clean from my sins.  And may the power of the Holy Spirit help me make amends for my actions as I continue to grow in your Word.  Amen.

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