Monday, July 5, 2021

Introducing 1 Samuel

As our church enters into its 8 week series on 1 & 2 Samuel, we are taking a brief break from our usual devotion format to preview the entire book of 1 Samuel.   The Samuels are one unified story that chronicle Israel's transition from a group of independent tribes to a unified nation with a king.  That story was divided into two parts, because it was simply too long to fit onto a single scroll.

For 8 weeks, we will see how the Samuels develop themes like the importance of humility/trust in God, the similarities-differences between human plans and God's plans, the blessings and temptations of power, the consequences of turning away from God's ways, and God's continued faithfulness even in times when all hopes seems lost. 

The video from The Bible Project below summarizes some of the main plot points and themes in 1 Samuel.  I pray that it provides a helpful introduction to the journey we are about to undertake.




God, thank you for all the lessons you provide us, both in the pages of scripture and beyond them.  Open our hearts and minds to your Word so that we may understand and proclaim the Good News of your love and faithfulness.  Amen.

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