Monday, September 28, 2020

Guided by Words


James 3:1-12

1Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers and sisters, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. 2For all of us make many mistakes. Anyone who makes no mistakes in speaking is perfect, able to keep the whole body in check with a bridle. 3If we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we guide their whole bodies. 4Or look at ships: though they are so large that it takes strong winds to drive them, yet they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. 5So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great exploits. (NRSV)


I have a confession to make: my mouth gets away from me from time to time.  In fact, some of the rash things I've said over the years make me blush with shame long after everyone else has probably forgotten them.  Many are the nights that I've laid awake in bed, wishing that I could back to a few hours ago and put a hand over my own mouth.  But alas, words once spoken can never be unspoken.  All I can do is look back with regret and do my best to repair the damage I've caused.  As my family has says when I'm really on a roll,  "Heather has a mouth on her.

James recognized the power of words.  He compares the human tongue  a bit in a horse's mouth or the rudder of a giant ship.  Both of these items seem small, but they dictate the direction of something the much larger thing they are attached to.  The human tongue does likewise.  For good for ill, what we say influences the direction our lives and relationships take.  Our words can hurt or heal... unite or divide.  If wish to have healthy relationships and build up the body of Christ, then we must commit to speaking in ways that work for good instead of evil.

James lived in a world where the spoken word was much more prominent than the written one.  It was a world where the people you were talking to or about where standing right in front of you...or at least nearby.  I wonder what he would have thought about our modern context, where we can freely and instantly share our thoughts and feelings about it with folks on the other side of the world...a world where you don't have to see the face or hear the voice of the people our words may hurt.  What would he have to say about news websites or (God help us) Twitter?

When our tempers flare and we feel like we just have to respond with our words, lets take a minute to ask where that comment will lead us.  Will what we are about to say help us move towards some form of justice and reconciliation in our world, or will it steer us into the rocks of increased anger and resentment?  If we had to stand there and see how someone reacts, is there a good chance that we will would end up regretting what we said?

Thinking through what we are about to say and making good choices can be difficult.  As I mentioned earlier, I've messed up my fair share of times...and I have paid some heavy consequences.  The important thing is that we remain mindful of the power of our words.  When we realize we have spoken rashly or hard-heartedly, Christ calls us to repent and do what we can to make up for our turn our rudders of our mouths (and our ever-typing hands) back in the right direction.  The more we practice steering towards Christ's love, the more natural it will feel.  And the Holy Spirit at work within us will aid us in our efforts.

My family may say that I can have a mouth on me, but I hope they can honestly say that it is better than it was I was younger...that I have kinder, more cognizant of the pain I can cause, and more careful to think before I speak.  And if I can do this with Christ's help, then anyone can.  All it takes is commitment, care, and a willingness to listen to the Holy Spirit within us.  So let us do our best to point in our mouths in the right direction.  Where our tongues lead, the rest of our lives will follow.


 Christ, you know how tempting it is to say things we later regret. We ask that when are thoughts turn bitter and we want to lash out at someone, you soothe our tempers.  Make us mindful of the power of our tiny tongues.  We trust that through your grace, the Holy Spirit will give us the words to steer away from hate and division and towards love and reconciliation.  Amen.


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