Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Easter Miracles


Today’s devotion doesn’t have a Scripture attached to it, because the following Easter images already proclaim the Gospel beautifully.

Today marks one month since our congregation embarked on the strange journey of being the physically distant yet spiritually connected Body of Christ.  The road hasn’t always been easy, but we have traveled it together.   Together, we’ve managed to keep worshiping God.  Together, we’ve found ways to continue serving our community.   Together, we’ve continued to spread hope in the midst of uncertainty and despair.  As a pastor, I have been an awe of both our church and our community.

On Easter Sunday, we invited people to come in ones and twos to add a flower to our garden’s cross and spend a quiet moment with our Risen Savior.  I had hoped that we would have a few takers.  I never anticipated what a beautiful testament to Christ that people's response would be.

Just before sunrise, I placed our greenery from Palm Sunday and some flowers from Michael Horne Florist on the cross to get us started.  As the sun rose, I thanked Jesus for being with me and asked that he make his presence known throughout the day.  

When I came back to get my stole around 10 AM, I was amazed by how much the cross had already filled in.  By the time I was preparing to head home around 12:30, the cross was sporting a crown of dogwood flowers on top of it.  I still hadn't a seen single person, but the signs of their brief presence were obvious.  I couldn’t imagine the cross getting any fuller or prettier. I was wrong.

Here is our cross at 4:00.  By this point, it was so covered in greenery and flowers that folks were adding to the back of it.  The way all the different plants were woven together told the story of the various people who had visited.  Slowly, almost imperceptibly, a Roman instrument of death had become festooned with life.   It was an Easter miracle.

Our miraculously flowering cross is a symbol for the Church at work right now.  Our physically separation may keep us from seeing each other working for Jesus, but we will witness the results.  Everyday miracles abound in our community.  They occur each time our faith inspires us to find ways to testify to hope and life in the midst of all this uncertainty.  Each little miracle is beautiful in its own right.  And we can step back and see them all woven together, the result is stunning.

Friends, we still have along way to go in this strange COVID-19 journey.  That’s why I’m glad that in Christian tradition, Easter isn’t just a single day.  It’s an entire Season.  What’s more, every Sunday is a miniature Easter.  As we go forth through the coming days, let’s keep having those quiet moments with Jesus as we do what we are able to do.  Let’s keep doing as we are able and keeping our eyes open for the results of those who have done the same.   Together, our individual witnesses to the power of Christ’s love  will be the sign of life our world needs to help us get through this crisis.


Jesus, thank you for the miraculous way that you weave our individual offerings to you into something more amazing than we could ever imagine.  Help us continue to witness to your love and mercy in the days ahead.  May our seemingly invisible efforts bring hope and healing to all those who witness their results.  Amen.

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