Friday, March 20, 2020

Look for the Helpers


3 John 1:3-8

 I was thrilled when the brothers and sisters came and told me stories of your faithfulness as you continue to walk in the truth. The greatest joy in my life is hearing how my children are walking in the truth.
My friend, you demonstrate your faithfulness in all the things you do for the brothers and sisters; even when they are strangers to you, you treat them as family. These friends tell the entire church how you have extended your hand to them in love. You will do well to send them on in a way that is in keeping with God. They have gone out to serve under the banner of the Name, and they do not accept gifts from those outside our faith community. We should give people like this our full support so that we can share in this work for the truth."  (The Voice Translation )


 Today would have been the 92 birthday of Rev. Fred Rogers.  Many of us know him as the creator, producer, and star of the children's show Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.  He was also a Presbyterian minister who felt called to provide for children's social and emotional needs.  Whether he was recording another TV show, speaking at a college commencement, or doing advocacy on Capitol Hill, Mr. Rogers taught children and adults alike lessons about kindness, compassion, self-worth, helpfulness, and community.  When frightening world events occured, he took time to help children and their families safely process their emotions. 

Mr. Rogers died in 2003, but through the miracle of the modern-day technology, he still has a message for us today.  He tells us that when tragedy strikes, we should look for the Helpers:

I've been following Mr. Roger's advice and looking for the Helpers in Anson County, NC.  Here are just a few of the groups who are helping as best they can.

Atrium Health is offering COVID-19 Risk Assessments on its website.  If you need medical attention, you can go to the hospital in person or to schedule a virtual visit with doctors through Video Chat or a secure message system.  Just click on the "Get Care Now" tab at the top of the Homepage and see what form of visit works best for you.  The courageous and people who work for Atrium Health and other medical facilities are among the Helpers.

The Anson County Council on Aging has modified the ways it provides meals and in-home assistance to in order to meet COVID-19 related mandates.  Staff will keep providing these important services for as long as they are able.  Staff members are also providing advice over the phone.  People who help the elderly are among the Helpers.

Feed My Lambs  is still working to provide food to those who need some help.  The food pantry's shelves might not be as well stocked as usual, but Feed my Lambs will continue to help how it can.  Those who feed the hungry are among the Helpers. 

Smart Recovery is assisting people who live with various addiction and their families in the quest to find online meetings.  Those who provide addiction recovery services are among the Helpers.

Anson County Schools are distributing meals to students.  Teachers have developed learning packets for the elementary schools are providing online instruction for middle and high school students.  I've seen videos of teachers reading picture books and leading exercise routines so that students can keep learning, growing, and developing at home.  Our educators are among the Helpers.

 The Partnership for Children is using social media to share information on how to talk to children about Coronavirus, offer age-appropriate activities to do at home, set up a curb-side diaper service for families in need, and tackle several other projects.  Staff also created and passed out 150 Play and Learn activity bags this week alone.  Our church is happy to assist them in some of their endeavors.  For more on  how the Partnership for Children is responding to the COVID-19, check out its Facebook page.  Those who care for the daily needs of children are among the Helpers.

The Speckled Paw in Wadesboro is making gift bags for nurses.  Details about items you can donate to the cause can be found on their Facebook page.  Those who support our healthcare workers and first responders are among the Helpers.

Pastors are adapting the ways we serve the community.  For instance, Rev. Sarah Kalish from First UMC Wadesboro and I are working together to Livestream a joint worship services for both our congregations.  You can worship with us live by going to FPC Wadesboro's Facebook page around 11 AM.  After the service is concluded, I'll add it here for anyone who wants to watch it later.  In order to preserve people's physical safety, I am offering general pastoral care via phone and email.  If you have an emergency, I will come. As of now, I am also able deliver groceries and supplies for people in quarantine.  Other pastors are doing much more then I am, and their work continues to amaze me.  Those who care for Christ's sheep are among the helpers.
Beloved, we have found ourselves in uncharted territory right now, but the good news is that God's Helpers are traveling through it with us.  They are found in highways and hedges, and they are doing amazing things.  If you know of another organization that is offering assistance, please post it in the comments section.  That way, we can spread the word about the various ways that people are working to help our community.  Make no mistake.  They are working for the Lord.


Ever-present God, thank you for the Helpers among us.  We ask that you offer them strength, safety, comfort, and guidance in the days ahead.  May others appreciate all that they are doing on behalf of others, and may they find help of their own as they do you work.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Info about another Helper has come in via email:

    Robbie Hill
    If u are elderly or shut in or sick and need supplies or help please at 704 690 5161 and me my wife or one of my driving age children will try to bring u what u need. And no disrespect when i say elderly . We love u all.
